Dramatically Improve Your Fundraising Efforts Using These Tips!

It’s that time of year again; schools across Canada are in session, and I’m sure we’re all keeping our fingers crossed that this will be a normal-ish year for kids filled with in-class learning and socializing, sports, and other cool activities.
For parents with school-aged children, this time of year can be exciting and liberating, but also overwhelming.
How is little Johnny going to handle his first day back? Are all the school supplies accounted for? Will he have to wear a mask or not? What kind of extracurricular activities can we expect this year, and how will we cover them?
And speaking of activity costs… Please tell me we won’t have to do school fundraisers again!!!
I can’t answer the first three questions for you, but I’m pretty sure the answer to the fourth question is ‘yes, you may need to do some fundraising.’
As a parent of two grown kids, I’ve been there… and I hear you.
Fundraising blahs
Many fundraising campaigns demand not only time and effort when we’re already feeling stretched to the limit, but also involve the sale of frozen, salty, sugary, or otherwise unhealthy processed foods.
Pushing those kinds of products on family, friends, and neighbours always left a bad taste in my mouth (not judging anyone!), especially when I was trying to teach my kids healthy eating habits.
It made fundraising so much more hollow and tedious for me.
After all, it’s harder to convince others to buy something that you don’t even believe in yourself, or to be proud of a fundraiser’s success when you weren’t thrilled with the products you helped your kids sell.
The solution?
Our Honey Money Fundraisers!
Finding profit AND fulfillment in fundraising
Our Honey Money Fundraisers bring healthy and fresh alternatives to a fundraising market dominated by the processed foods of corporate giants.
Honey and pollen are household staples, and the 100 % pure honey and pollen we provide for fundraisers are fresh from hive to table, every time! Our honey is raw, unheated, unpasteurized and produced by a multi-generational beekeeping family, right here in Canada.

When you partner with us for your fundraising, you’re promoting healthy living by supplying people with what they need, while also helping passionate beekeepers sustain fragile honey bee populations – which are vital to our food chain!
Our honey and pollen is something YOU can feel great about selling, and that supporters will feel great about buying.
To learn more about the health benefits of our raw honey and pollen, click here.
When fundraising with our products, your school or organization will earn a whopping 30% profit on all sales!
6 simple steps to fundraising success
We’ve designed a comprehensive fundraising kit (aussi disponible en français!) that provides you with all the support materials and online goodies you could possibly want to make your Honey Money fundraiser a huge success; we’ll be with you every step of the way.
Here’s an outline of our 6 simple steps to fundraising success, straight out of the kit.
We even provide you with all the tools you’ll need:
- Email templates
- Social Media Content
- Posters
- Postcards
- Door Knockers
- Order Form
Once the fundraiser is done and all the orders are in, your lead coordinator collects everyone’s order forms and sends them to us.
We then combine all the orders and ship them for free to a single distribution point of your group’s choosing (it must be a Canadian address to which Canada Post delivers), along with a big fat cheque for your 30% share of all sales.
How easy is that?!
For other fundraising tips and answers to frequently asked questions – for example, the ever popular “how long should I run my fundraiser?” – check out our FAQ (yes, it’s the same one that’s included in the kit).
Fundraising never felt this good!
Ready to raise some serious Honey Money?
Fill out our Fundraising Inquiry form, or contact us at info@paradisvalley.com or by phone toll free at 1-866-624-8175 if you still have questions.
We look forward to partnering with you and leaving you with the sweet taste of success at the end of your fundraiser!